Our state’s plan to resurrect affirmative action programs for public hiring, contracting, and admissions to state colleges and universities appears to be failing as R-88/I-1000 is voted down. But there are other paths to more equitable, inclusive, healthy and successful communities and government.

Host Evelyn Lopez talks with Clifford Armstrong, who has been working on a plan to expand the City of Tacoma’s contracts to include specific, mandated, work for women and minority owned businesses. The City spends over a hundred million dollars on contracts every year. Imagine the good in our community if everyone, in every neighborhood, was participating in that commerce. Imagine the good in our community if everyone, in every neighborhood, had a chance to get a great job with the City. Imagine, and then listen as Clifford outlines the path to use a formal, legal process to reach that goal.

Here’s the press release on the City’s plans: https://www.cityoftacoma.org/cms/one.aspx?portalId=169&pageId=181118

We’d love to hear from you! Send us feedback on episodes, ideas for future podcasts, or questions.

Evelyn Lopez    @truetacoma

It’s the day after the election, so time for Hulk-Smash 2019, this year without any electric boogaloo.  As we anxiously await the second ballot drop later today, Erik Hanberg and Justin Camarata sit down with host Evelyn Lopez to go over election results.  Listen and let us know what you think!

Evelyn Lopez  @truetacoma

Erik Hanberg  @erikhanberg

Justin Camarata @justincamarata


After posting this episode, we received some feedback that made us think about how we came across in part of the discussion about state initiatives. A listener commented on Twitter: “A good episode overall, but I am keenly disappointed in the handling of discussions around R-88, and in particular the funding of the Reject campaign.”

We agree. We had left our initiative discussion to the end of the episode, and did not take the time to discuss the moral implications and racial issues in the I-1000/R-88 campaign. The focus on campaign finance information was not helpful to a meaningful discussion. This initiative is an attempt to cure our state’s failure to have affirmative action programs for public employment, public contracting, and admissions to our public colleges and universities. If it fails, it will fail because we continue to ignore the reality of bias and racism in our state and public institutions, we pretend we have moved beyond race when we have not, and we refuse to deal with the legacy of inequality and unfairness all around us.

It’s not always pleasant to receive feedback telling us we erred, but it’s critically important. Thank you, and please continue to let us know what you think.

Pierce County has benefited from years of stable and sensible leadership from Sheriff Paul Pastor. But now he’s retiring and someone new will be elected in 2020. There are two well-known individuals thinking about a possible run: Doug Richardson, Pierce County Councilmember, and Ed Troyer, Media Relations Specialist with the Pierce County Sheriff’s Office. And there may be other individuals in the wings evaluating a run too.

Host Evelyn Lopez sits down with Journalism Professor and former TNT Reporter Sean Robinson, and Pierce County Councilmember Derek Young, to talk about the Sheriff’s office and what we should be looking for as the race to replace Pastor shapes up.

For in-depth coverage of this topic, please read Sean’s excellent reporting, Two names emerge as likely candidates for Pierce County Sheriff, at Channel 253!

We’re interested in your feedback! Let us know what you think about this episode, and if you have ideas for other issues you’d like to see covered.


Evelyn Lopez    @truetacoma, truetacoma@gmail.com

There are two important state-wide initiatives on the ballot this November:

  • I-976 which reduces car tab fees to $30 and significantly reduces funding for transportation projects, roads and infrastructure improvements, and state patrol funding across the state, and
  • I-1000 (through R-88) which brings affirmative action laws back to Washington and increases access and competition for public jobs, contracts, and college/university admissions.

Host Evelyn Lopez is joined by transportation policy expert Justin Leighton, and affirmative action advocate April Sims to break down what is at issue in these initiatives and how they could help or hinder the residents of Tacoma and Pierce County.

Among other interesting tidbits, both initiatives involve Tim Eyman. He is the primary sponsor of I-976 and is desperate to bring back his $30 car tabs, and he was one of the main movers behind I-200 which eliminated Washington’s affirmative action laws in the 1990s. So, is this all about policy, or is it ego?

Give the episode a listen, and let us know what you think!

Evelyn Lopez    @truetacoma


Welcome to Tacoma’s Talk Show!  It’s an EARTHQUAKE!!!  Oh no, the VOLCANO IS ERUPTING!!!

We’re getting ready for the 2019 Great Washington ShakeOut by talking earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis and how to survive it all.  Joining host Evelyn Lopez is Brian Terbush, Earthquake and Volcano Program Manager at the Emergency Management Division of our state’s Military Department.

So, time to get ready for the big one!  What will you do when the earth starts shaking, the volcano starts oozing, or the giant wave appears off our coast?  Settle in for our discussion and find out.

The Great ShakeOut will take place at 10:17 a.m. on 10/17.  This is a perfect opportunity to duck, cover, and hold, and then look around and think about whether you would be safe in an earthquake, and how you could make your location safer.  Also, the key to success here is preparation, so start with one item to get going.

Here are some helpful links for the ShakeOut, preparing for disasters, and alerts to volcano activity!

Listen and let us know what you think!

Evelyn Lopez    @truetacoma

Campaigns are required to file weekly reports of the contributions received, and monthly reports of their expenditures. You can find the reports and overview data at our state’s Public Disclosure Commission website, www.pdc.wa.gov. But you need to dig a little deeper to find out the most interesting tidbits!

Host Evelyn Lopez is joined again by election and campaign finance sleuth Joe Lopez to dissect the 2019 campaigns for Tacoma City Council, Port of Tacoma Commissioners, and Tacoma School District 10. We’re pretty sure you will learn something new about independent expenditures, surplus funds accounts, and the dreaded mini reporting campaigns.

Who and what may be influencing local election races? What may be going on behind the scenes? And what campaigns are completely in the dark? All that, and discussion about other current issues in the City of Destiny!

Let us know what you think and if you have any questions.

Evelyn Lopez, @truetacoma

Joe Lopez, @jolopez98406

Welcome to Tacoma’s Talk Show! In our second housing related discussion, we talk about backyard cottages (ADUs or accessory dwelling units), real estate financing, how to get more housing available quickly, and how one might fight gentrification by ruining the neighborhood!

Host Evelyn Lopez sits down with local real estate and appraisal expert Anders Ibsen, who also happens to be a Tacoma City Council Member, to talk about housing, finance, and what to do if you don’t want a property to sell! Hint: Smells are bad. Plus we engage in local gossip about current events around Tacoma.

Listen and let us know what you think!

Evelyn Lopez  @truetacoma

Anders Ibsen  @aibsenhomes

You’ve certainly noticed that we have housing issues in Tacoma – issues that we simply didn’t have ten or twenty years ago. Housing prices are going up, but our housing is still a bargain compared with other parts of Puget Sound. Affordable housing is hard to find: low income options, real low income options, have long waiting lists. And what about preservation of our neighborhoods and landmarks?

So, what’s the solution? Host Evelyn Lopez is joined by local attorney and urban policy geek Erik Bjornson, and urban real estate guru Josh Jorgensen from the Tacoma Housing Authority to talk about housing, preservation, and local civic chit chat.

Also, we mentioned this interesting article from The Urbanist: What Kind of a City Do We Want to Be?

Listen and let us know what you think!

Evelyn Lopez  @truetacoma

The votes are in for our 2019 Primary Election! How did your favorite Tacoma candidates do? Should strategies change as the campaigns move toward the November General Election? What were the take-aways? And most of all, how, how, how do we increase voter turnout and participation?

Host Evelyn Lopez is joined by voting data expert Joe Izenman, and campaign finance pundit Joe Lopez to dissect and dish about the primaries, the campaigns, and what it all means.

Let us know what you think!

Evelyn Lopez (@truetacoma)     Joe Izenman (@izenmania)     Joe Lopez (@jolopez98406)

On this second and very special joint episode of Citizen Tacoma and Crossing Division, we were thrilled to sit down with Puyallup Tribal Council Chairman David Bean and Councilmember Anna Bean (yep, they’re cousins).

We learned the story of the Puyallup Tribe and about tribal government, the meaning of sovereignty, how the tribe has grown in numbers and local influence since the mid-1900s, and what exciting projects and events are on the horizon (hint: That beautiful, shiny new casino is opening sooner than you think!) We also talked about how the tribe’s relationships with other local governments has changed over the years, and what made that possible.

And check out the events at Firecracker Alley!

Evelyn: @truetacoma      Candice: @candiceruud     Citizen Tacoma: @CitizenTacoma

Development at Chambers Bay, the county owned golf course and public park, is the latest land use controversy riling park lovers and environmentalists.  Once a gravel pit, the land of Chambers Bay was purchased for a sewage treatment plant, and necessary buffering areas around that plant.  But it’s gorgeous waterfront property, and the County decided that it would be ideal for a world class links-style golf course with park areas and walking trails.  As a park, it’s been a huge success.  As a for-profit golf course, it’s been a success in that it hosted the US Open in 2015, but it is often under-used and it’s expensive.  The latest plan to deal with that continuing expense involves development of a portion of the land for a hotel and restaurant, and 100 units described as golf course villas or townhouses.

Host Evelyn Lopez talked with County Councilmember Derek Young and John Garner, the Tahoma Audubon Society’s point person on the Chambers Bay development.  They challenged each other on questions of whether public lands should be used for private business, whether people should be able to reside in a public park, and what a public official should do when the budget is hemorrhaging money for a recreation activity enjoyed by very few residents.

Don’t expect this debate to be over with the Council vote.  There is talk of a petition or possible referendum action.

Fair warning: During robust arguments, Evelyn and Derek may have talked over each other and interrupted each other.  Luckily, John was a moderating influence.

Give a listen, and let us know what you think!

Evelyn: @truetacoma      Derek: @DerekMYoung      Tahoma Audubon: @TAudubon

Additional resources:


As decision nears on Chambers Bay resort lease, critics’ doubts over plans persist

Pierce County puts best foot forward with Chambers Bay developer agreement

Did you know that Tacoma High Schools had an 89.3% graduation rate for the class of 2018? That’s terrific! And it is the result of years of work by the district. But are all students counted in that number? Should they be?

Recently, KNKX reporter Ashley Gross presented a three-part series called “Who’s Counted: Taking a Closer Look at School District Graduation Rates.” The first part, “State policy artificially boosts district-level grad rates by leaving out some at-risk students” covers how students in special drop-out prevention programs are not counted in graduation rates, and explores how varied the graduation and drop-out rates are for those programs. Series parts two and three focus on online teaching programs, and whether they are providing measurable value and assistance to students.

Host Evelyn Lopez sat down with Ashley and Lincoln High School teacher Annie Jansen (co-host of Channel 253’s Interchangeable White Ladies podcast) to talk about how Tacoma students use online courses, and the resources and programs in Tacoma to help students stay in school. What is working, and how do we measure success to make sure that students are getting the support and instruction they need to graduate into the adult world?

Give a listen, and let us know what you think!

Evelyn: @truetacoma     Ashley: @ashleykgross     Annie: @IWL_Podcast

What do you think should be taught in our high schools? Is diversity education a divisive education, as one of our Tacoma high school history teachers recently claimed in an opinion piece published in The News Tribune? Or do ethnic studies celebrate, rather than obliterate “E PluribusUnum” as a Tacoma professor responded in an Op-Ed piece published a week later?

Well, why don’t we ask the students?

Host Evelyn Lopez is joined by Samira Mote, Liz Wight, and Lucas Bush, students in Comparative Cultures at Tacoma’s Science and Math Institute (SAMI). The students were concerned about the anti-diversity opinion, and felt that its concepts were “othering” and out dated. Their class developed an Op-Ed in response, but the TNT declined to print it. So, we talk about their views on education and read through their response. (Read the students’ response–PDF)

What do you think? What should our schools be teaching if we want today’s juniors and seniors to have the skills to run our country? The students are the ones affected by the quality and philosophies of our local teachers. Shouldn’t we be asking them about it? And shouldn’t we be listening to them?

Special thanks to Comparative Cultures teacher Mary Dewine!

Did you participate in the Democratic Party presidential caucuses in 2016? In 2008? Before then? How did it go? Although the Washington State Democratic Party has traditionally used caucuses to select the party’s preferred presidential candidate, this year the party is considering switching to a primary election instead. So, are you pro primary or pro caucus?

Host Evelyn Lopez is joined by Pierce County Councilmember Derek Young (pro primary), local lawyer and former political reporter Rachel Graves (pro primary), State Committee Member for the 3rd Legislative District Democrats Joanne Fleming (pro caucus), and State Committee Member for the Whatcom County Democrats Richard May (pro caucus) to discuss the positives and negatives of caucuses and primaries, and what the Democrats are planning for their 2020 presidential candidate selection process.

You can weigh in and give your choice on whether the process should be a caucus or primary. Go to the Washington State Democratic Party website to vote and comment by April 4, 2019. The State Party will be meeting on April 7 to vote on one of the options. Also, you can check out some of the ideas under consideration at the wacaucus.com demo site.

It’s our country, and our democracy, so give this episode a listen, and then get involved and let the D’s know what you would prefer.


It’s a very special crossover episode! Citizen Tacoma and Crossing Division team up to bring you an informative discussion of recycling in Tacoma. Our guest is Tacoma City Councilmember Ryan Mello and Lewis Griffith, Solid Waste Management Division Manager.


Host Evelyn Lopez talks to The News Tribune reporter Sean Robinson about his recent story covering public settlements—usually payouts to settle lawsuits. But, as Sean reports, those settlements were voted on without telling the public how much they were for. What exactly has the County been doing and what are their plans to change this in the future?




Host and attorney Evelyn Lopez is joined by two guests Shannon McMinimee and Rachel Graves (who are also attorneys!) to discuss the October 11, 2018, Washington Supreme Court decision in State v. Gregory that invalidated the death penalty in our state. So what happened? And what comes next?


From the text of the case. In State v. Gregory, the Supreme Court held: “Washington’s death penalty laws have been declared unconstitutional not once, not twice, but three times. None of these prior decisions held that the death penalty is per se unconstitutional, nor do we. The death penalty is invalid because it is imposed in an arbitrary and racially biased manner. While this particular case provides an opportunity to specifically address racial disproportionality, the underlying issues that underpin our holding are rooted in the arbitrary manner in which the death penalty is generally administered. As noted by appellant, the use of the death penalty is unequally applied—sometimes by where the crime took place, or the county of residence, or the available budgetary resources at any given point in time, or the race of the defendant. The death penalty, as administered in our state, fails to serve any legitimate penological goal; thus, it violates article I, section 14 of our state constitution.

Justin Camarata, Erik Hanberg, and Evelyn Lopez “Hulk-Smash” their way through the 2018 Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington State, and federal election results. We start with the local stuff first and eventually get to the US House, the Senate, and Trump.



Channel 253 membership

Host Evelyn Lopez sits down with The News Tribune reporter Sean Robinson, who has been covering the ongoing Tacoma teacher strike.

(Recorded Thursday morning, September 13)

Below are links to his coverage (and Matt’s Driscoll’s column about the strike).


Hosts and Credits

Regular hosts are Julie Anderson, Justin Camarata, Dave Jones, Erik Hanberg, Evelyn Lopez.
Producer is Erik Hanberg.
Sound by Doug Mackey.
Theme written and performed by Doug Mackey.
Logo by Sean Alexander.

Crossing Division is in the Channel 253 podcast network.

Justin Camarata, Erik Hanberg, and Evelyn Lopez “Hulk-Smash” their way through what’s happening in Tacoma news and politics. Topics include:

  • Teacher strike? Teacher pay.
  • Tenants rights. “Just cause”
  • Primary results
  • Smoke, West Nile Virus, Sinking Land, and Climate Change.
  • The new Emerald Queen Casino



Hosts and Credits

Regular hosts are Julie Anderson, Justin Camarata, Dave Jones, Erik Hanberg, Evelyn Lopez.
Producer is Erik Hanberg.
Sound by Doug Mackey.
Theme written and performed by Doug Mackey.
Logo by Sean Alexander.

Crossing Division is in the Channel 253 podcast network.

Guests Beth Kraig and T’wina Franklin join host Julie Anderson to talk about the gains of feminism, but also how white women have so often failed to bring others along through those gains when confronted with questions around intersectionality.

Hosts and Credits

Regular hosts are Julie Anderson, Justin Camarata, Evelyn Lopez, Dave Jones, and Erik Hanberg.
Producer is Erik Hanberg.
Sound by Doug Mackey.
Theme written and performed by Doug Mackey.
Logo by Sean Alexander.
Special thanks to KNKX for allowing us to record in their studio.

Crossing Division is in the Channel 253 podcast network.

Channel 253 Membership – Your support will keep us going!

We’re trying a new format for Crossing Division this week. Justin Camarata and Erik Hanberg, who have both hosted Crossing Division in the past, Hulk-Smash their way through what’s happening in Tacoma news and politics.


Hosts and Credits

Regular hosts are Julie Anderson, Justin Camarata, Dave Jones, and Erik Hanberg.
Producer is Erik Hanberg.
Sound by Doug Mackey.
Theme written and performed by Doug Mackey.
Logo by Sean Alexander.
Special thanks to KNKX for allowing us to record in their studio.

Crossing Division is in the Channel 253 podcast network.

After a spring hiatus, Crossing Division is back!

Two guests share their experiences in the public process. Maralise, with her background in mediation and conflict resolution shares ideas for the public and public officials to better hear each other. And Bryan, as a former community organizer and as a current appointed official, talks about his experience on both sides of the dais.


This Episode’s Host: Julie Anderson

This episode has an intermittent static pop that could not be removed in editing. Our apologies.

Hosts and Credits

Regular hosts are Julie Anderson, Justin Camarata, Dave Jones, and Erik Hanberg.
Producer is Erik Hanberg.
Sound by Doug Mackey.
Theme written and performed by Doug Mackey.
Logo by Sean Alexander.
Special thanks to KNKX for allowing us to record in their studio.

Crossing Division is in the Channel 253 podcast network.

Three guests share their experience running different kinds of small businesses in Tacoma (a brewery, a restaurant, and a marketing company). They talk about Tacoma’s proximity to Seattle, our minimum wage hike, taxes, regulation, feelings about the Chamber and the Economic Development Board, and more.


  • Kris Blondin, former owner of Stink and El Tufo
  • Ken Thoburn, Head Brewer at Wingman Brewers
  • Erik Hanberg, co-owner of Side x Side Creative and Channel 253

This Episode’s Host: Justin Camarata

Hosts and Credits

Regular hosts are Julie Anderson, Justin Camarata, and Dave Jones.
Producer is Erik Hanberg.
Sound by Doug Mackey.
Theme written and performed by Doug Mackey.
Logo by Sean Alexander.
Special thanks to KNKX for allowing us to record in their studio.

Crossing Division is in the Channel 253 podcast network.

This episode, our guests suss out the problems and possibilities when the personal and political values of citizens are at odds with Pierce County’s industries and businesses.


  • Tom Pierson, President and CEO of the Tacoma Pierce County Chamber
  • Korbett Mosesly, co-founded of Tacoma Roots an anti-racist environment justice group
  • Kate Martin, reporter at The News Tribune

This Episode’s Host: Julie Anderson

Further Reading

Hosts and Credits

Regular hosts are Julie Anderson, Justin Camarata, and Dave Jones.
Producer is Erik Hanberg.
Sound by Doug Mackey.
Theme written and performed by Doug Mackey.
Logo by Sean Alexander.
Special thanks to KNKX for allowing us to record in their studio.

Crossing Division is in the Channel 253 podcast network.

How should we think about the inequitable differences in things like education and infrastructure between Tacoma’s neighborhoods?


  • Sheree Cooks is a Family Engagement Advocate working with Tacoma Public Schools, the Tacoma Council PTA president, and a member of the Tacoma Sustainability Commission. She’s a 30 year Tacoma resident, having lived in multiple neighborhoods in the city, and currently lives in the Eastside where she’s been for over 12 years.
  • Korbett Mosesly lives in the Hilltop neighborhood, he is the Director of Family Stability Initiatives for United Way of Pierce County, publisher of the Hilltop Action Journal, and a longtime community activist.
  • Silong Chhun is a filmmaker, music producer, and an advocate for social justice. He advocates for the Cambodian community locally and nationally and works on projects like the Our Tacoma series. He and his family live in the Eastside.

This Episode’s Host: Justin Camarata

Further Reading

Hosts and Credits

Regular hosts are Julie Anderson, Justin Camarata, and Dave Jones.
Producer is Erik Hanberg.
Sound by Doug Mackey.
Theme written and performed by Doug Mackey.
Logo by Sean Alexander.
Special thanks to KNKX for allowing us to record in their studio.

Crossing Division is in the Channel 253 podcast network.

After recent events locally and nationally, a high school student, a teacher, a former Vice Principal, and a community member discuss safety in school.


This Episode’s Host: Dave Jones (also a former Vice Principal)

Further Reading

Hosts and Credits

Regular hosts are Julie Anderson, Justin Camarata, and Dave Jones.
Producer is Erik Hanberg.
Sound by Doug Mackey.
Theme written and performed by Doug Mackey.
Logo by Sean Alexander.
Special thanks to KNKX for allowing us to record in their studio.

Crossing Division is in the Channel 253 podcast network.

Crossing Division is Tacoma’s talk show.

Today’s guests discuss growth in residential neighborhoods across Pierce County.


  • Bill Lynn, land use attorney with Gordon Thomas Honeywell
  • Samantha Sonju, resident and local activist in the Proctor District
  • Jill Guernsey, former Council Member and Mayor of Gig Harbor

This Episode’s Host: Julie Anderson

Further Reading

Hosts and Credits

Regular hosts are Julie Anderson, Justin Camarata, and Dave Jones.
Producer is Erik Hanberg.
Sound by Doug Mackey.
Theme written and performed by Doug Mackey.
Logo by Sean Alexander.
Special thanks to KNKX for allowing us to record in their studio.

Crossing Division is in the Channel 253 podcast network.

Crossing Division is Tacoma’s talk show.

Today’s guests discuss Tacoma’s unsuccessful bid for Amazon HQ2 and the role of technology jobs in Tacoma.


  • Andrew Fry
  • Joel Larson
  • Eli Moreno

This Episode’s Host: Justin Camarata

Further Reading

Hosts and Credits

Regular hosts are Julie Anderson, Justin Camarata, and Dave Jones.
Producer is Erik Hanberg.
Sound by Doug Mackey.
Theme written and performed by Doug Mackey.
Logo by Sean Alexander.
Special thanks to KNKX for allowing us to record in their studio.

Crossing Division is in the Channel 253 podcast network.

Crossing Division is Tacoma’s talk show.

Today’s guests discuss the effects of gentrification in their neighborhood.


  • Laurie Arnold
  • Josh Reisberg

This Episode’s Host: Dave Jones

Hosts and Credits

Regular hosts are Julie Anderson, Justin Camarata, and Dave Jones.
Producer is Erik Hanberg.
Sound by Doug Mackey.
Theme written and performed by Doug Mackey.
Logo by Sean Alexander.
Special thanks to KNKX for allowing us to record in their studio.

Crossing Division is in the Channel 253 podcast network.

Crossing Division is Tacoma’s talk show.

Today’s guests discuss the State Farm’s decision to close its operations center in downtown Tacoma, housed in the old Frank Russell Building, and then what’s happening more widely downtown.


  • Kate Martin – reporter, The News Tribune
  • Marty Campbell – former Tacoma City Councilmember, former downtown retailer
  • Chris Karnes – urban and transit advocate

This Episode’s Host: Erik Hanberg


Hosts and Credits

Regular hosts are Julie Anderson, Justin Camarata, and Dave Jones.
Producer is Erik Hanberg.
Sound by Doug Mackey.
Theme written and performed by Doug Mackey.
Logo by Sean Alexander.
Special thanks to KNKX for allowing us to record in their studio.

Crossing Division is in the Channel 253 podcast network.

Crossing Division is Tacoma’s talk show. We look for the issues dividing our community and look for ways to talk it out and, hopefully, cross that division.

Today’s guests discuss the rising issues surrounding homelessness in Pierce County. Will James, reporter at KNKX, gives the lay of the land on what’s happening with homelessness right now. Rob McNair-Huff shares what providers like MDC are doing for services to people experiencing homelessness. And then two guests, Joseph Diaz and Kathy Turner, share their views


  • Will James – reporter, KNKX
  • Rob McNair-Huff – communications, Metropolitan Development Council
  • Kathy Turner – former Mayor of Puyallup and real estate agent
  • Joseph Denton – Case Manager, Sound Outreach

This Episode’s Host: Julie Anderson

Crossing Division is in the Channel 253 podcast network.

Hosts and Credits

Regular hosts are Julie Anderson, Justin Camarata, and Dave Jones.
Producer is Erik Hanberg.
Sound by Doug Mackey.
Theme written and performed by Doug Mackey.
Logo by Sean Alexander.
Special thanks to KNKX for allowing us to record in their studio.

Crossing Division is Tacoma’s talk show. We look for the issues dividing our community and look for ways to talk it out and, hopefully, cross that division.

Coming January 2018!

Crossing Division is in the Channel 253 podcast network.

Hosts and Credits

Regular hosts are Julie Anderson, Justin Camarata, and Dave Jones.
Producer is Erik Hanberg.
Sound is Doug Mackey.
Theme written and performed by Doug Mackey.
Logo is by Sean Alexander.
Special thanks to KNKX for allowing us to record in their studio.