Let’s Talk About Disasters! Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Tsunamis, and the Great ShakeOut (10:17 at 10/17)

October 10, 2019

Welcome to Tacoma’s Talk Show!  It’s an EARTHQUAKE!!!  Oh no, the VOLCANO IS ERUPTING!!!

We’re getting ready for the 2019 Great Washington ShakeOut by talking earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis and how to survive it all.  Joining host Evelyn Lopez is Brian Terbush, Earthquake and Volcano Program Manager at the Emergency Management Division of our state’s Military Department.

So, time to get ready for the big one!  What will you do when the earth starts shaking, the volcano starts oozing, or the giant wave appears off our coast?  Settle in for our discussion and find out.

The Great ShakeOut will take place at 10:17 a.m. on 10/17.  This is a perfect opportunity to duck, cover, and hold, and then look around and think about whether you would be safe in an earthquake, and how you could make your location safer.  Also, the key to success here is preparation, so start with one item to get going.

Here are some helpful links for the ShakeOut, preparing for disasters, and alerts to volcano activity!

Listen and let us know what you think!

Evelyn Lopez    @truetacoma

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