Let’s Hulk-Smash through the 2019 election results!

November 6, 2019

It’s the day after the election, so time for Hulk-Smash 2019, this year without any electric boogaloo.  As we anxiously await the second ballot drop later today, Erik Hanberg and Justin Camarata sit down with host Evelyn Lopez to go over election results.  Listen and let us know what you think!

Evelyn Lopez  @truetacoma

Erik Hanberg  @erikhanberg

Justin Camarata @justincamarata


After posting this episode, we received some feedback that made us think about how we came across in part of the discussion about state initiatives. A listener commented on Twitter: “A good episode overall, but I am keenly disappointed in the handling of discussions around R-88, and in particular the funding of the Reject campaign.”

We agree. We had left our initiative discussion to the end of the episode, and did not take the time to discuss the moral implications and racial issues in the I-1000/R-88 campaign. The focus on campaign finance information was not helpful to a meaningful discussion. This initiative is an attempt to cure our state’s failure to have affirmative action programs for public employment, public contracting, and admissions to our public colleges and universities. If it fails, it will fail because we continue to ignore the reality of bias and racism in our state and public institutions, we pretend we have moved beyond race when we have not, and we refuse to deal with the legacy of inequality and unfairness all around us.

It’s not always pleasant to receive feedback telling us we erred, but it’s critically important. Thank you, and please continue to let us know what you think.

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