Let’s Talk About Disparity Studies, a Path to Increased Diversity in Public Contracts and Jobs

November 16, 2019

Our state’s plan to resurrect affirmative action programs for public hiring, contracting, and admissions to state colleges and universities appears to be failing as R-88/I-1000 is voted down. But there are other paths to more equitable, inclusive, healthy and successful communities and government.

Host Evelyn Lopez talks with Clifford Armstrong, who has been working on a plan to expand the City of Tacoma’s contracts to include specific, mandated, work for women and minority owned businesses. The City spends over a hundred million dollars on contracts every year. Imagine the good in our community if everyone, in every neighborhood, was participating in that commerce. Imagine the good in our community if everyone, in every neighborhood, had a chance to get a great job with the City. Imagine, and then listen as Clifford outlines the path to use a formal, legal process to reach that goal.

Here’s the press release on the City’s plans: https://www.cityoftacoma.org/cms/one.aspx?portalId=169&pageId=181118

We’d love to hear from you! Send us feedback on episodes, ideas for future podcasts, or questions.

Evelyn Lopez    @truetacoma

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