Let’s Talk About Statewide Broadband Internet with Rep. Drew Hansen (February 4, 2021)

February 5, 2021

Imagine if every city, town, county, port district and utility district could offer broadband internet service to their communities! Imagine what a game changer that could be!

Internet coverage is essential. Especially now with remote school, work from home, and online reservations for COVID vaccines, life without the internet is not an option. But for many of our neighbors it isn’t readily available, or they have no choice in providers.

Representative Drew Hansen joins Evelyn and Joe Lopez to talk about changing the limits on internet access, and opening up that market. His bill HB 1336 offers a solution. Currently there are legal barriers that preclude utility districts and other public entities from providing internet service. HB 1336 would remove those barriers. More internet options may be available, more competition for the large providers that have been enjoying their monopoly, more service and lower prices. A win!

You can find the bill information here: https://app.leg.wa.gov/billsummary?BillNumber=1336&Year=2021&Initiative=false

Track the bill’s progress, and let your legislators know that you are in favor of more internet options. For those of us in the 27th Leg District, Rep. Hansen said it would be a huge help if we contact our favorite legislator, House Speaker Laurie Jinkins, and ask her to move the bill to the floor for a vote as soon as possible.

(Ok, reality check, Tacoma actually had this with Click–and it was groundbreaking and amazing. The whole state was envious, and the cable giants quickly stepped in to stop other cities and public entities from offering internet service. Now that law can be reversed. Ironically, just as the rest of the state may be able to get what Tacoma has had for more than 20 years, our City has abandoned public internet and contracted with Rainier Connect to run the Click network. Ah well, so it goes in the City of Destiny, once again too far ahead of its time and not recognizing how special it is.)

Thoughts on this episode, or ideas for other programs? Sent them our way!

Evelyn Lopez:  truetacoma@gmail.com     @True_Tacoma

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