Let’s Talk About the President’s Post-Election Court Challenges with Joe Lopez! (Nov. 20, 2020)

November 20, 2020

Joe and Evelyn Lopez break down the election challenges that have been filed by the Trump campaign and Trump supporters in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Nevada and Arizona.  So far, no cases have been successful, and time is running out. All of the states should have their votes certified by December 8 and at that p0int litigation is pointless. But will that be the end, or are there other plots hatching?

This post-election activity is completely unprecedented, and changing every day. One good resource for keeping up with the legal challenges is the Election Law Blog by UC Irvine Law School Professor Rick Hasen (he’s a good follow on Twitter too): https://electionlawblog.org/

If you have feedback on this episode, or ideas for future programs please get in touch!

Evelyn Lopez:  truetacoma@gmail.com    @True_Tacoma



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