Let’s Talk About Coronavirus & Tacoma: Living with Disabilities During a Pandemic (Week 11, May 29, 2020)

May 30, 2020

Evelyn Lopez talks with Rachel Graves, lawyer and former news journalist, about how the Coronavirus creates an even more complicated environment for people with disabilities. Also, viruses are often the trigger for the development of chronic fatigue and immune disorders. We don’t know what long-term health conditions might develop after exposure to this virus. Coronavirus is new, and it’s not something to downplay or ignore–it’s serious and deadly to those who are older or fragile due to underlying health conditions and disability.

Right now the decision to wear a mask is largely a matter of personal preference, but that may change. If you haven’t been wearing a mask, consider that with this virus we may be infected and spreading the disease for up to 14 days before we have symptoms. Wearing a mask around other people will help protect them as much as it may protect you, And we want to do that, right? We want to be a community that cares about each other.

Also, as Pierce County moves toward opening up businesses and services, wearing a mask will be required in places where you have person to person contact. Masks, along with thoughtful social distancing, hand washing, and using good judgment, will be critical to our health and wellness.

This is an incredibly stressful time, if we can try to move through our days thinking about our actions and giving each other the benefit of the doubt, things will work out. We may even be a stronger city as a result.

Ideas for other episodes? Feedback on what you’ve heard? Get in touch!

Evelyn Lopez:  @True_Tacoma     truetacoma@gmail.com


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