Let’s Talk About Mental Health in Tacoma and Pierce County!

March 8, 2020

Locality, responsibility, and maybe, maybe, opportunity. Those are the themes that run through our discussion of current mental health issues in our community.

Pierce County Councilmember Derek Young, and local attorney Joe Lopez join host Evelyn Lopez in a comprehensive update on three mental health subjects:

  • the Signature behavioral health center that was planned for Tacoma, then rejected by the City Council, but now resurrected through court action;
  • Pierce County’s continued review of a mental health tax; and
  • the status of Western State Hospital and plans to move more of those services into community settings.

Mental health services are central to the health and well-being of our city. We need assessment and treatment for substance abuse, more court diversion programs, more accessible treatment for children with mental health needs, more counseling and services to help the homeless, timely treatment and assistance to help avoid suicides and reduce the impact on police and fire/emergency services. The need for these service touches every one of us.

Listen to the episode and let us know what you think.

Evelyn Lopez: @True_Tacoma

Derek Young: @DerekMYoung

Joe Lopez: @JoeLopezTacoma

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